Knights and Brides Wiki

The Mysterious Old Man and the Beanstalk are two consecutive structures.

Completing the Beanstalk is rewarded with the Giant's Gift containing the Golden Mother Goose.


Structure Stage Materials Reward
Mysterious old man
Stage 1
1 gifted by game update 19.09.2017 Beanstalk event
Beanstalk stage1
Stage 2
5 Apple, 5 Strawberry, 5 Raspberry 500 Xp requ,
1000 Coin scr
Structure Stage Materials Reward
Beanstalk stage1
Stage 1
appears after Mysterious Old Man is completed
Beanstalk stage2
Stage 2
3 Magic Beans 500 Xp requ
Beanstalk stage3
Stage 3
7 Growth Elixir, 10 Spindle, 10 Planks 500 Xp requ
Beanstalk stage4
Stage 4
3 Ice Axe, 6 Growth Elixir, 10 Belt 500 Xp requ
Beanstalk stage5
Stage 5
3 Ice Axe, 6 Growth Elixir, 10 Belt 500 Xp requ
Chest wooden 2 open
Stage 6
Giant's Gift
60 Gosling, 5 Bouquet, 2 Muff 500 Xp requ


After construction of stage 2, you can collect a reward of 3 Magic Beans from the Mysterious Old Man, after which the structure turns into the Beanstalk structure.

Finishing the Beanstalk turns it into the Giant's Gift chest, which contains the Golden Mother Goose decoration.


  • MOM Stage 1: "I had a vision of you planting magic beans and them turning into a huge beanstalk touching the sky!"
  • Stage 1: "Plant the magic seeds to grow a Beanstalk."
  • Stage 2: "Water the Beanstalk with some Growth Elixir to make it taller."
  • Stage 3: "Get ready to climb the Beanstalk and learn what's happening behind the clouds."
  • Stage 4: "Climb the Beanstalk and face the unknown."
  • Text window: "If you climb the beanstalk to the sky, you'll see an entire world of giants living there."
  • Stage 5: "Help the Giant return the goslings home."

