Knights and Brides Wiki

Magicians' Academy is a temporary location that can be reached via the airship. It was available during the 01.06.2017 Royal Magicians' Academy event (part of the Astrology Tower event series), for a duration of 14 days only.

It goes together with the Magicians' Academy questline.


In-game tagline: "Get a diploma in astrology!"



Objects to take home: none in main location. Paved path in Mysticism.

Resources: special resources are:

Georesources: none in main location, Air pillar x1 in each sublocation.

Event articles[]

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Stage 1 1 in Magicians' Academy
Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Time Sale
Lunar crystal
Lunar Crystal
Left: 1
Air element
1 Air Element
10 Beads
2h Time icon
Fire bowl magicians' academy
Fire bowl
Left: 1
Fire element
1 Fire Element
10 Steel
2h Time icon
Soul stone
Soul Stone
Left: 1
Ghostly matter
140 Ghostly Matter
20 Glass
2h Time icon 10 Ruby requ
Scientia serum
Scientia Serum
Left: 10
Elements sphere
20 Elements sphere
5 Hammer
5m Time icon 10 Ruby requ
Astronomical report
Astronomical Report
Left: 1
Astronomical data
5 Astronomical data
1 Ribbon
2h Time icon

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Stage 1 1 in Magicians' Academy
Stage 2 1 Trapped Ghost, 1 Crystal Ball, 1 Astronomical Report 500 Xp requ
Once built, it can be opened for rewards. Rewards: Coin scr, 3 Ruby requ, Ghost Trap (decoration), 60 Golden Hand, 1 Tow, 1 Helm, 1 Screw, 5 Wheel, 5 Mortar, 5 Bottle, 10 Hammer, 4 Scissors, 10 Knife, 10 File, 5 Black pearl, collection items.

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Stage 1 (already Stage 2) 1 in Magicians' Academy
Enables travel to sublocation Mysticism for the Mysticism test.

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Stage 1 1 in Magicians' Academy
Stage 2 1 Fire bowl 500 Xp requ
Enables travel to sublocation Divination for the Divination test.

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Stage 1 1 in Magicians' Academy
Stage 2 1 Lunar Crystal 500 Xp requ
Enables travel to sublocation Astronomy for the Astronomy test.

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Ghost trap stage1
Stage 1
1 in Magicians' Academy sublocation Mysticism
Stage 2 100 Ghostly Matter, 50 Stones, 100 Wood 150 Xp requ
Ghost trap stage3
Stage 3
100 Ghostly Matter, 100 Stones, 100 Wood 150 Xp requ
Ghost trap
Stage 4
1 Soul Stone 150 Xp requ

The finished Ghost Trap can be clicked to receive: Energy requ, Xp requ, Coin scr, 1 Trapped Ghost, 1 Mystical Chest.

The Mystical Chest can be opened and contains: ...

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Stage 1 1 in Magicians' Academy sublocation Divination

The Fortune Table allows to collect a prediction for the price of 10 Scientia Serum each.

Making the first prediction is rewarded with 1 Crystal Ball and 1 Divination Chest.

The Divination Chest can be taken home, placed on the map and opened; it contains: ...

Structure Stage Materials Reward
Stage 1 1 in Magicians' Academy sublocation Astronomy
Stage 2 5 Meteorite block, 50 Wood, 10 Glass 500 Xp requ
Stage 3 5 Meteorite block, 50 Wood, 10 Fabric 500 Xp requ
Stage 4 5 Meteorite block, 50 Wood, 10 Wheel 500 Xp requ

Once built, the University Observatory can be provided with materials (1 Glass, 1 Wheel, 1 Fabric), which starts a phase of 2h, after which rewards can be collected.

Rewards are random, from the following: Astronomical data, Golden Hand, Coin scr, Xp requ, Velvet, Hammer, Scissors, Knife, File, Pearls, Makeup Collection.

